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September 24, 2009
Leftwing Media Seems Unduly Eager for Political Violence
A census worker was found hanged with the word "fed" carved in his chest on 9/12, the day of the tea parties.
The left is eager pushing this as of course a violent bit of rightwingery all caused by Glenn Beck and our other rabid spokesman.
Confederate Yankee dispels some myths. Including the implication the leftwing media and bloggers wish to advance, that he was killed on 9/12.
No, he was found on 9/12. In a state of advanced decomposition.
And also largely ignored: He was working in a dangerous area filled with drug-dealers. It's very possible he simply knocked on the wrong door and discovered a meth lab.
The theory postulated by the irresponsible, unvetted, amateur leftwing media is not implausible. It could be the case that this was some demented anti-government weirdo who took the opportunity to kill a "fed."
But there are many possibilities right now, aren't there?
But some are very, very eager to see racists, facists, and/or racist fascists behind this, well in advance of any facts.
Consider this your LGF post for the day.