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September 23, 2009
Paterson To Obama: Thanks For The Advice But I'm Staying In NY Governor's Race
A bitter and defiant Gov. Paterson is claiming that President Obama's attempted political hit job has only given him "renewed vigor" to seek a full term next year, The Post has learned.
Paterson made the astonishing claim during a small and somber fund-raising event with about 60 contributors in Manhattan -- just hours after being repeatedly dissed by Obama during a presidential visit Monday to a community college in Troy, a witness said.
Yesterday, the governor also appeared to point some of the finger of blame for his political problems at Obama and the fierce partisanship gripping Washington.
The president and his aides "haven't exactly been able to govern in the first year of their administration in the way that other administrations have, where you would have, theoretically, a period in which the new administration is allowed to pass the needed pieces of legislation," Paterson said.
Help me out lefties...is Paterson a racist for attacking Obama or is Obama a racist for attacking Obama?
Wait, I know whose fault it is...BUSH!

posted by DrewM. at
11:57 AM
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