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September 22, 2009
White House "Regrets" Any "Misunderstanding" There May Have Been On NEA Call
Misunderstanding. Criminal behavior. Potato, potahto. Move along, nothing to see here.
"The point of the call was to encourage voluntary participation in a national service initiative by the arts community," White House spokesman Bill Burton told ABC News. "To the extent there was any misunderstanding about what the NEA may do to support the national service initiative, we will correct it. We regret any comments on the call that may have been misunderstood or troubled other participants. We are fully committed to the NEA's historic mission, and we will take all steps necessary to ensure that there is no further cause for questions or concerns about that commitment."
...Today White House officials are meeting with the chiefs of staff of the executive branch agencies to discuss rules and best practices in this area, a conversation during which they will be told that that while White House lawyers do not believe that the NEA call violated the law, "the appearance issues troubled some participants," Burton said. "It is the policy of the administration that grant decisions should be on the merits and that government officials should avoid even creating the incorrect appearance that politics has anything to do with these decisions."
8 months in to their term and they are just getting around to the "don't break the law" seminars for appointees? That's comforting.
Over at Big Hollywood, they have a story about how the NEA's website is pushing people to an organization lobbying in favor of health insurance reform.
The Holder DoJ isn't going to do anything about this, they are too busy letting Black Panthers go free and trying to railroad CIA agents to get mixed up in this so I'm not sure where it's going to go in a legal sense.
The most important thing is keeping track of this stuff, finding more and using it to beat the hell out of Obama and the Democrats next year. Even a moron like Sheriff Joe Biden knows Hope and Change may be strangled to death in a little more than a year.
It's also very important that this stuff be kept as visible as possible, it will make it harder for Democrats in Congress to support Obama as much as they might otherwise because they don't want to be caught up in this toxic crap.

posted by DrewM. at
01:33 PM
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