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September 21, 2009
"It Takes A Carter to Get a Reagan?"
I can see the point here. Exposure to extreme incompetence makes the moderates on both sides gravitate towards a true leader like they did in '80, but do you HAVE to swing violently from one side to another?
If that's the case, wouldn't the following statements be perfectly logical?
1. I want my son to succeed in high school & college, so I'm going to encourage him to coast through elementary & Jr. High - because he'll be more motivated to get good grades when it counts because of his previous experience.
2. I want to be married to a wonderful woman who will share my life and be supportive of me - so I'm going to marry the sluttiest, uneducated skank I can find, preferably from the back lot of the local truck stop. That way, I can have a nightmare marriage from hell for 4 years, and then divorce her & find Mrs. Right.
3. I want my new small business to succeed, so I'm going to show up late, leave early to go fishing, and not give a damn about the bottom line for the first year - that way, when I finally knuckle down & get to work during year two, I'll be able to soar past all those other morons who worked hard from day one on my personal road to success.
(Inspired by a post at Hot Air, and allahpundit's response to Glen Beck fans in the comments)
Please don't paint me into a corner with Allahpundit on this issue. I love the guy, but he's a little too "Andy Kaufmann in the wrestling ring taunting all the rubes" for me on this issue. Yes, he's correct: There IS a bit of intellectual inconsistency attached to anyone who voted for McCain yet finds themselves agreeing with this statement now. Inconsistency is what you get when you let fallible humans make up your political movement. I just don't see the reason why anyone would want to go after these people with pliers and a blowtorch: It's not as if any of them were in the comments section at HA after 3am repeatedly shouting "WOOKIE! WOOKIE! WOOKIE!........HEY LOOK AT ALL THE RACISTS SHOUTING WOOKIE!"
(Note to LGF lurkers: I realize that my use of "WOOKIE" in this post makes me a racist; however, there's a problem with denouncing me properly. I cannot be banned by Charles, because I never registered to comment on his site. If one of you could do me a solid & ask Charles to open registration so that I could enroll in the site and then be immediately banned by the bicycle mafia, I would be in your debt. Thanks.)

posted by Russ from Winterset at
08:33 PM
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