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September 18, 2009
Overnight Open Thread - Friday Edition (Mætenloch)
TGIF and welcome to the weekend. I hope all the morons have a great weekend lined up. And if you've been lurking around the site, feel free to delurk in tonight's ONT. The No-Mocking rule is temporarily in effect so you can come out and play without fear. And yes even gingers, lefties, and half-hobos are welcome.
Oh and don't forget that tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day so get those arrrrhs warmed up.
Item #1: Japanese Band Plays on the USS Missouri
On Sep. 2, 1945 Japan formally surrendered on the deck of the USS Missouri as seen below.
And on Sep. 13th, 2009, 64 years and few days later, the Japanese rock band, VAMPS, played a concert on the same deck.
This seems to have passed completely under the US media radar. I can see where some might be outraged by this but after some thought I've decided I'm okay with it.
I view it as proof that we not only achieved a military victory over Japan in WWII but also a mental one as well. Take note that the band is playing an American genre of music with many lyrics in English to a mixed Japanese and American crowd. That seems like the kind of long term peace we hoped to achieve after the war. While I think it's good to be a student of history, ultimately we shouldn't be slaves to it either. Sometimes the best way to honor those who fought and died for us is just to lead the normal lives that they would have wanted us to.
Item #2: Cute Sleeping Kittens!!
It's exactly what it says - lots and LOTS of cute sleeping kittehs with the occasional puppeh. And they even let you vote for the cutest. Consider this an enticement or a warning - whichever is more appropriate for you
Tonight's post brought to you from back when nuclear power was cool:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.
posted by xgenghisx at
09:30 PM
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