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Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch) »
September 16, 2009
Inevitable: True Conservative Andrew Sullivan Praises "Continued Evolution of Charles Johnson"
Safe click -- just a screencap for y'all.
CJ's defending ACORN, by the way, in case you wondered what his scary-cogent analysis would turn out to be.
As with anything lately, CJ is defending because he must defend anything attacked by the Fount of All Evil, Glenn Beck. And all the other crazies on the right. Of whom he recently wrote, "are all receding away from me at the speed of light, and it's not fast enough for me." Or something like that.
Kinda feel the same way, pal. I kinda dig how you delete and ban everyone who merely disagrees with you. It's like North Korea over there. There's this weird thing where everyone seems determined to be the first to praise the High and Mighty Charles "Oz" Johnson, for fear of being exiled from the Twilight Zone cornfield.
Oh, I wanted to mention this. Some people -- who maybe are coming from Little Gulag Foothold -- get upset when the cobloggers DrewM and Gabe and Dave and Slu get into arguments with them.
DrewM. suspects that the reason people get upset is they think the cobloggers constitute some kind of official party line here, and so when we're arguing with you, we're not just arguing with you, we're telling you how it's going to be around here.
They don't. Neither do I, really, except on matters of taste and propriety and so forth. There is no party line.
So, the point is, it's not as if when a coblogger (or me for that matter) is arguing with you you're arguing against "The Man." Or someone with authority and license to delete you or ban you. It's just dudes arguing with you. We only delete and stuff with hardcore trolls, really. You have to be a total douche to get deleted.
Anyway, wanted to clear that up, in case anyone felt there was some implicit threat coming at them when the cobloggers argued with them.
Unless a coblogger is telling you to cool it on some Code of Conduct type thing, like something about inappropriate language or racial slurs or the like, it's not ex cathedra, it's just arguing from people who like to argue.
If it's the former sort of thing, then yeah, there is an implicit threat there. But otherwise, just arguing.
Thanks to DrewM.