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September 16, 2009
Harry Reid...Cap And Trade? We'll Get To That. Next Year. Maybe.
Behold the fierce urgency of...maintaining your majority and your own Senate seat.
“We still have next year to complete things if we have to,” said Mr. Reid, a Nevada Democrat, when asked if the Senate might wait till 2010 to vote on such legislation. He noted that the Senate has a busy plate during the remaining months, with lawmakers increasingly preoccupied by legislation overhauling the nation’s health care system.
Mr. Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley, says the senator is “a long way from making a decision” on when to hold a vote on climate legislation and “still intends to take health care reform, [financial] regulatory reform and cap-and-trade to the Senate floor by the end of the year.” And on one level, his statement is fairly obvious, given everything Democrats in Congress are trying to accomplish.
I'm sure that Democrats in the House, who went out of their way to shove something through, will appreciate being left hanging out to dry by 'the other body'.
Obama's spokestool says Reid's dithering is no big deal even thought they wanted something before the big 'climate change' festival in December.
Not to worry, even if the US doesn't pass some sort of economy killing plan in the name of the left's false religion, it won't be alone.
Australia’s Senate rejected the government’s climate-change legislation, forcing Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to amend the bill or call an early election.
Senators voted 42 to 30 against the law, which included plans for a carbon trading system similar to one used in Europe. Australia, the world’s biggest coal exporter, was proposing to reduce greenhouse gases by between 5 percent and 15 percent of 2000 levels in the next decade.
Gaia is not going to be happy about this. Not one little bit.

posted by DrewM. at
03:20 PM
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