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September 14, 2009
Wow...Johanns' Amendment To Prevent ACORN From Getting Federal Money Passes Senate
Just watching the vote now and it's going to pass with a lot of Democrat votes. Several Senators changed their votes from "no" to "yes" when it became clear it would pass.
Sen. Mike Johanns has proposed an amendment to block federal funding for a national organization that works to provide education and housing opportunities for low-income people.
Johanns' amendment would prohibit the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now from receiving funds from the current transportation and housing appropriations bill. Johanns cited 30 cases of voter fraud by ACORN workers.
"It's wrong to give tax dollars to a group with multiple convictions of undermining our democratic process and our laws," Johanns said Monday in a news release.
Now this is a long way from being final. I doubt it's in the House bill and it might be quietly killed in the conference report that will make up the final bill.
Even if it doesn't become law, a lot of liberals (including Al Franken, Harry Reid and Arlen Sepcter) have just voted against ACORN.
Well done O'Keefe and Giles.
Heh....Jim Geraghty.
With just three videos, @andrewbreitbart & BigGovernment.com turned ACORN into the political equivalent of the Ebola virus.
It ain't easy being a pimp's tax adviser.

posted by DrewM. at
05:56 PM
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