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September 14, 2009
WaPo: Tea Partiers Are Confused and Also Racist
This "confusion" thing is the meme of the day, I guess.
Conservatives cannot oppose anything on legitimate grounds. We only can oppose out of fear, anger, hatred and ignorance/confusion.
Why, in a grassroots, self-motivated gathering of upwards of a million people, there was no centrally-planned and collectively-approved main message!
Obviously this proves we're confused and also racist. And it also proves were Astroturf, I think, because real grassroots demonstrations always have pre-printed collective-approved signage.
Seeking Healing, Seeing Hostility
On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters thronged to the U.S. Capitol to angrily accuse President Obama of taking the country in the wrong direction. A day later, in the shadow of the Washington Monument, many participants at a much smaller gathering -- the 24th annual Black Family Reunion -- said the level of hostility toward the nation's first African American president had little to do with policy differences over health care or taxes and everything to do with race.
"It' s not conducive to the coalitions we need to build in this country," said Vera Hope, 60, of Mount Rainier as she left a booth promoting health prevention. "I'm disgusted and upset by the hostility. Let's call it was it is -- it's just a disguise for right-wing racists. They are fomenting a climate of violence to provoke people."
Colleen Freeman, 50, said many of Obama's critics are motivated by race. "A lot of people are protesting, and they don't even know what they are protesting," she said. "Some of these folks are getting Social Security, and it's because their grandparents put in the work for it. Now they won't give Obama a chance to work. Some know they need health care but don't want it to be Obama that gives it to them."
Some might defend the WaPo as merely covering another protest. But this was a tiny gathering, thrown together explicitly to repudiate the 9/12 demonstration (something the WaPo fails to note), and the WaPo is obviously using these people as sockpuppets to broadcast their own disdain for the 9/12 demonstrators.