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September 14, 2009
The Inevitable "Kanye West Is A Tool"
Not exactly breaking news...the guy is a Douchdnozzle.
Much to her credit, Beyonce was having none of West's idiocy and did a very kind thing.
Quick question...why does MTV still give out music video awards? I didn't think they've played videos for almost 20 years.
Now let's get back to ignoring MTV.
Kanye West Is Stupid [ace]: I mean, you know he's stupid, but he's more stupid than maybe you know.
The MTV awards apparently follow a fairly conventional rule for awards shows. Let's say a video like Beyonce's Single Ladies is nominated for Video of the Year, and several lesser, more particular honors -- like Female Video of the Year.
In the MTV awards, as with many awards shows, if the committee gives you the Big Spankin' Award, you're automatically out of the running for the lesser ones. Yeah, it kinda doesn't make sense that Beyonce could have the Video of the Year but not the Female Video of the Year, but a lot of awards shows do this, to "spread the wealth," as it were.
Anyway, idiot Kanye West was claiming that Beyonce's song was the video of the year, and he ruined this Taylor Swift's moment of joy to say so. Well, not only was this classless, but Beyonce was actually still in the hunt for the honor of Video of the Year -- and, in fact, won precisely that. That's the award she gets when she steps aside to let Taylor Swift have an uninterrupted moment to shine.
Kanye West knows how these shows work all too well, as he routinely cries like a bitch and whines when he fails to win top honors. So this dope knew that Beyonce probably was winning the Video of the Year, or at least may have been winning that, when he interrupted a 17-year-old girl's special moment to scream that Beyonce had the video the year.
Yeah. She did. MTV said so. Maybe you should just let them wait to say so before being a jackass and ruining this newcomer's moment.

posted by DrewM. at
11:07 AM
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