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September 12, 2009
Heh: Joe Wilson Outrages and then Out-Raises the Left
New Republican hero Joe Wilson is raking in the dough:
The source said Wilson's current tally is $1,005,021 from 18,859 donations amid a high-profile campaign on the Drudge Report and elsewhere telling conservatives that Wilson is "under attack" for his willingness to take on Obama.
Wilson, who initially apologized for his words, is now riding a reaction that has surpassed the liberal backlash to his words: Miller has raised less than $900,000, according to the Democratic fundraising site ActBlue -- though still more than enough to envigorate his challenge.
You just knew this had to happen after Miller spent the last few days bragging about his own haul. Karma.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
04:26 PM
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