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Three Point Five Yards »
September 11, 2009
Maryland DA Announces He May Seek Prosecution of O'Keefe and Giles
Dynamic Duo On Hannity Now
Don't you dare, bub.
The statute is the statute, but it surely has had a press exemption carved into it by judges.
And wouldn't you know it, O'Keefe and Giles just happen to be freelance correspondants for one of the (seriously) biggest-trafficked news organizaitons on the internet, Breitbart.com.
Funny that he's going after the people who exposed the child-sex-slave accomplices at ACORN, rather than the child-sex-slave accomplices themselves.*
* Actually I doubt they broke any law -- conspiracy requires an agreement that a crime will be committed, which the women were not agreeing to; they were merely (and I use that term advisedly) giving advice as to how a crime could be committed -- but it's interesting the DA finds that question uninteresting but wants to "vet" O'Keefe and Giles.
Memo to Brietbart: Put them under contract to pay them, going forward and retroactively, any videos they provide to you with first rights. Say, $100 a video accepted.
You can afford it.
Memo to O'Keefe: Stop calling yourself an "activist," buddy. Journalist. Journalist journalist journalist.
Flaming Acorn by shaisutu.