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Overnight Open Thread (M�tenloch) �
September 10, 2009
Vetting: The Hill Notes Joe Wilson Used to Take Legal No-Doz Caffeine Pills; Forgets President Used to do "Grass" and "Blow"
Hey, that Joe Wilson. Started taking NoDoz in college, kept on taking them for years and years.
Just sayin'. Just... sayin'.
Draw your own conclusions.
Meanwhile, we have an admitted cokehead as president and the media never really bothered to discuss that.
But caffeine?
It's a gateway drug, man. For the harder stuff. Like... well, like coke, which our President used to snort.
More at Hot Air, including his donation page; and even Lindsey Graham says he'll go to bat for his old friend Joe.
Who doesn't even seem to need help, as his seat looks like a lock for Republicans.