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Top Headline Comments 09-09-09 »
September 09, 2009
It's Official: Environmental Idiocy Now A Protected Religion In The UK
The Death of Great Britain...A Continuing Series.
A controversial tribunal decision that some company practices can discriminate against employees with strongly held views on climate change will be challenged in the courts.
Senior executive Tim Nicholson claimed he was unfairly dismissed by a property investment company because his views on the environment conflicted with other managers' "contempt for the need to cut carbon emissions".
..."[My belief] affects how I live my life including my choice of home, how I travel, what I buy, what I eat and drink, what I do with my waste, and my hopes and fears," he said. "For example, I no longer travel by plane, I have eco-renovated my home, I compost my food waste and encourage others to reduce their carbon emissions."
Judge David Sneath said at the employment tribunal: "[Nicholson] has certain views about climate change and acts upon those views in the way in which he leads his life. In my judgment his belief goes beyond a mere opinion."
...Under the new law "philosophical belief" is protected by the law alongside religious belief if it passes a legal test requiring it to be cogent, serious and "worthy of respect in a democratic society".
I bet religion is a lot more fun without a judgmental God and all those annoying sin things. Sure Gaia can be a harsh mistress but now sticking up for her means not having to worry about your job.
I love this idea that if a belief is "cogent, serious and worthy of respect in a democratic society" you can be protected from any possible consequences of holding that belief. My guess is however, only certain types of government and judicial approved beliefs will meet that standard. You know, the kind of things all 'right thinking' people believe in.
Suppose for a moment you honestly believe that marriage should be reserved for one man and one woman or you should be allowed to have a firearm or in the case of the UK go fox hunting. Anyone want to believe that the authorities will got to the mat to protect those beliefs?
Here's a hint for the proponents of this idiotic "philosophical belief" law...if you honestly think certain ideas should be legally privileged over others, you have no clue what a "democratic society" actually is.
That high pitched whine you hear? That's just good old Winston Churchill spinning in his grave at about 5,000 RPM.

posted by DrewM. at
12:08 AM
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