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September 07, 2009
And That's Kind of The Problem: Formerly Huge Blogger Jane Hamsher Defends Jones By Noting He Just Believed What At Least One Third of Democrats Believe
Hey, why toss Van Jones under the bus? Trutherism is, as Hamsher notes, perfectly mainstream in the Democratic Party, and almost certainly dominant on its left wing.
But you know what needs further exposing by the media? This crazy birth certificate thing. Some people find it odd and objectionable that the president conceals such a basic and mundane document. Crazy, I tells ya.
Baiting with the "Formerly Huge" Thing: I mention that because I was heartened by this article noting that conservative political books are dominating, and, even more heartening to me, conservative blogs are on the rise:
Social media consultant Simon Owens said he found that conservative blogs had lost fewer readers since November. While the conservative blogs are now getting 37 percent fewer page views than during the election season, the liberal blogs have lost almost twice as many: 64 percent of their Web site hits.
That's heartening to me because there is a video-game positive-feedback aspect to blogging. When I'm stuck on the same old level, I get annoyed and lose interest. When I'm gaining "experience points" and leveling up, it's more interesting.
So it's nice to know that, even if it seems superficially that I/we have lost readers since the big high-point in October 2008, I/we are keeping more of that big boost. And a lot more than the liberal blogs are managing.
The article also notes the liberal blogs are posting less. I get that. I was posting less too... when I was depressed about things. But I've picked up a lot now. More optimistic = more posts. It's nice to see the lefty blogs' crashing from euphoria to depression.