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September 05, 2009
Oil for Blood: UK Official Admits Oil "A Very Big Part" of Lockerbie-Mass-Murderer Negotiations
There is no future in England's dreaming.
Trade and oil considerations played a major role in the decision to include the Lockerbie bomber in a prisoner transfer agreement between Britain and Libya, a senior British official said in an interview published Saturday.
Justice Secretary Jack Straw said trade, particularly a deal for oil company BP PLC, was "a very big part" of the 2007 negotiations that led to the prisoner deal. The agreement was part of a wider warming of relations between London and Tripoli.
"Libya was a rogue state," Straw was quoted as saying by The Daily Telegraph newspaper. "We wanted to bring it back into the fold and trade is an essential part of it - and subsequently there was the BP deal."
Oh, he did the dirty trade for us, to bring Libya into the circle of respectable nations.
Well they just gave a barbaric mass-murderer a hero's welcome in Tripoli, so how's that working out? Not so good, right?
But you still get to keep the money, right?
Well that's something then.