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September 03, 2009
Making the Point, and Driving It Home (tmi3rd)
So, while playing Mafia Wars, I came across a link at Instapundit that really got my attention.
Mark Tapscott at the Washington Examiner makes a very crucial point:
Just when 57 percent of the American people - including most independents - are ready to throw all the bums out of Congress and start over, Tea Party leaders are wasting time, resources and their precious credibility fighting a comparatively minor skirmish with the unions.
Tapscott is referring to the "buy-cott" of Whole Foods. While being a worthy cause, it does deflect from the goal at hand- a massive bloodletting of incumbents in Congress, from both parties. I say this, having taken part in the D/FW-area buycott myself.
Opportunities like this come along once in a political lifetime. Instead of worrying about Whole Foods, the Tea Party leadership should be figuring out how to channel this tidal shift in American public opinion into concrete results in next year's congressional elections.
Amen. Have at it- Tapscott candidly says he has no idea how to unite everyone in the Tea Parties and channel things, but he links to RedState's Erick Erickson, who puts it simply: politicians don't fear you when you protest; they fear you when you pick up campaign signs.
Have at it!

posted by xgenghisx at
11:48 PM
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