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September 03, 2009
600,000 Jobs to be Saved or Created... By Increasing Federal Workforce by One Third
As Homer Simpson said: "Ah, alcohol. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
The federal government needs to hire more than 270,000 workers for "mission-critical" jobs over the next three years, a surge prompted in part by the large number of baby-boomer federal workers reaching retirement age, according to the results of a government-wide survey being released Thursday.
Mission-critical jobs are those positions identified by the agencies as being essential for carrying out their services. The study estimates that the federal government will need to hire nearly 600,000 people for all positions over President Obama's four years -- increasing the current workforce by nearly one-third.
Perfect. I was just saying to myself, "What this economy really needs is more federal workers. Real go-getters and value-adders and wealth-creators."
Seriously, I was just saying that. Because I'm a lunatic.
Thanks to ArthurK.