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September 03, 2009
Obama's Radical "Green Jobs Czar" Now with 10% Extra Radical: Signed Truther Demand for Investigation into Possible Bush Plot to Destroy WTC
Another radical leftist among Obama's circle of friends, advisors, patrons, and babysitters. We're all shocked, shocked.
President Obama’s “green jobs czar” Van Jones has been targeted again and again by conservatives for his controversial views and now they’ll have another item to use as fodder.
Mr. Jones signed a statement for 911Truth.org in 2004 demanding an investigation into what the Bush Administration may have done that “deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war.”
9/11Truth.org spokesman Mike Berger told the Washington Times over the phone that all of the signers had been verified by their group. He said 9/11Truth.org board members “spoke with each person on the list by phone or through email or individually confirm they hae added their name to that list.”
“I think in most cases they spoke to them personally,” he added. “No one’s name was put on that list without them knowing it.”
The statement itself, with Jones' signature attached, is linked in the article.
We often say that the MSM really failed to dig into Obama's shady, red past in 2008.
It's beginning to occur to me, with a lot of shame and regret, that the alt-media let the team down too.
I started thinking this when Verum Serum started linking Jacob Hacker's statements that the public option was a Trojan Horse for government run single payer. Outstanding work by Verum Serum -- but it occurred to me this was available before the elections, and we -- me, everyone else -- didn't dig and find it before.
I think we somehow trusted that the media and the RNC were digging. Even if the media downplayed this stuff, we trusted, I think, that it would at least be mentioned.
And we had greater confidence in the RNC's oppo research department than now seems warranted.
I don't know if this stuff would have changed the outcomes. I doubt it. I know for a fact that McCain wouldn't have allowed the RNC to do much with it, and would have criticized prominent Republicans who tried to bring such things to light.
But I personally am feeling pretty stupid and useless right now. A lot of stuff was out there, and I personally didn't look for it.