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August 31, 2009
The next Reagan may be an Aussie
One of the best political speeches I've read in a long while was delivered by Barnaby Joyce recently. Not super polished, or slickly smooth, or honed for brevity, but he hit the ball and hit it hard. He is after all as he says, an accountant by trade, not a slick politician deft in the art of lying.
We talked about the ETS. (ed: ETS is Rudd's global warming nonsense) The National Party at a Federal level has been completely consistent on the ETS. It is the Employment Termination Scheme. It is the Extra Tax System and when that metaphor was working and cutting through the Labor Party got cunning and thought they would change it to the CPRS. Well the CP stands for cunning plan to get yourself to a double dissolution and RS stands for what the economy will look like if they ever get there.
This is just another tax. It is a tax that is going to come to you from the power points. Every electrical appliance in your house will have a tax on it. The ironing will be taxed, the vacuuming will be taxed, watching footy on a Sunday will be taxed, turning the lights on will be taxed. Who will they be taxing, working families. Then you’ll want to go shopping and what will happen? All your food will be taxed. If you are sick of it and want go on a plane and go away for the weekend, it’s on aviation fuel, you’ll be taxed. Everything in this new world under Kevin Rudd is taxed. Kevin in the shopping trolley, Kevin at the ironing board, Kevin in the kitchen, Kevin on the plane n the plane, too much Kevin makes me feel very sick.
ust the other in Rockhampton, in my state, they are putting off people, working families out on the street because of the CPRS. That’s what Kevin has done for working families.
He’s put them out of a job and we are going forward with this scheme that will bring a 20% reduction in regional economies. We worry about two negative quarters which gives us a recession and they’re probably ¼% and ½%. Yet if we agree to this ETS, we sign our regions up to a 20% reduction in their economy.
Where the Labor Party come apart is on detail and I want to quote to you something that happened just the other week. I asked a question in Question Time.
I said how much foreign debt does our nation have. I actually have the answer, it interest me, I am an accountant, I am boring. I had the answer and I looked to the Assistant Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia as he went backwards and forth and stumbling over and all around and shuffling through papers. As an accountant you would think it would come to you like that (fingers click), this is our foreign debt, this is what it is. We asked the same question the week before so they had a bit of a heads up on it.
So we go around and he comes and he says the foreign debt is $678 bilion dollars. And I go Oh My God we’re broke. He was only out ladies and gentlemen by half a trillion dollars. It is $108.165 billion. He was out, Assistant Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia, by half a trillion dollars and people make mistakes like that when they don’t have a clue.