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August 27, 2009
Black Atlanta Politico: Hey, We Really Need to Unite Behind a Single Black Candidate for Mayor to Keep the Office From Falling Into White Hands
I think some people need to sit down with a beer.
A memo arguing that African-Americans should unite behind a single black candidate in the race for mayor of Atlanta is about to become a prime topic of debate.
The material, which we include below, is said to be distributed by Aaron Turpeau, a long-time City Hall figure, on behalf of something called the Black Leadership Forum.
Turpeau argues that Council President Lisa Borders is the only candidate who can prevent the election of Councilwoman Mary Norwood as the first white mayor since Atlanta Mayor Sam Massell.
Both Borders and state Sen. Kasim Reed, also an African-American, have scheduled pressers this afternoon. AJC colleagues Eric Stirgus and Ernie Suggs will be there. We anticipate that Reed will demand that Borders renounce the memo.
Here is some key language plucked from the memo:
1. There is a chance for the first time in 25 years that African Americans could lose the Mayoral seat in Atlanta, Georgia, especially if there is a run-off;
2. Time is of the essence because in order to defeat a Norwood (white) mayoral candidacy we have to get out now and work in a manner to defeat her without a runoff, and the key is a significant Black turnout in the general election;
3. The reasons support should be given to Lisa Borders is... she is the best black candidate in the race who has a chance to win the election because she can attract downtown white support...
What’s At Stake?
Determining what’s at stake depends on perspective:
1. The view that the times are too serious to stand on the sidelines is absolutely correct from the perspective of a black mayor at all cost. In fact, if a white candidate were to win the 2009 mayoral race, it would be just as significant in political terms as Maynard Jackson’s victory in 1973.
2. Therefore, the question becomes, if that were the case, how would African American interests be addressed... ?;
4. The changing demographics which show a more rapid growth in the city’s white population (faster and a higher percentage than anywhere else in the country) requires that we critically evaluate all candidates;
At the end of the day, “when the morning comes,” a black agenda would better enable us to have our interests respected by and our influence realized in any administration.
Colorblind society, etc.
There is sad irony in the fact that he pimps his preferred candidate, Lisa Borders, as being the black candidate who can draw the most white support, even as he composes a memo stating how all blacks must unite to prevent the tragedy of a white woman winning the mayoral race.
As Jeneane Garafalo says, all opposition to Obama "is all about hatin' on a black man as president."
Thanks to DJ.