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August 21, 2009
Transparency: Obama and Holder Continue Stonewalling on Why the DoJ Dropped a Lay-Up Case Against Black Panther Polling-Place Intimdators
Shut up, that's why.
This perplexes me because this isn't even a close call. Futhermore, this is no OJ situation; as far as I know, there was never any outcry by the black community over the mistreatment of these thugs.
As far as I know. I know it never rose to the level of big national news (because the MSM, of course, didn't want it to); I suppose there might be some subterranean rumblings in the black press I don't know about.
So I am perplexed as to why Holder would drop a slam-dunk case against guilty-as-sin radical racists.
The prosecution 1, is in the interests of justice,
2, demonstrates the US government's commitment to elections free from coercion and intimidation, something especially important to blacks, even if in this particular case blacks are those threatening that freedom,
3, demonstrates that Holder and Obama are not the no-enemies-to-the-left radical ideologues they're sometimes caricatured (supposedly) as,
4, reassures bitter clinger white Pennsylvania racists that Obama and Holder aren't all about the race,
and 5, is cost-free even as regards blacks, who one might think would be more sympathetic to the Panthers but who, again, didn't seem particularly enamored of these particular nightstick impresarios. (To the extent any black racists were bothered by it -- hey, they just put a black guy in the White House. I'm sure even a black racist would shrug off the prosecution thinking, "Ah, we can afford to give the crackers this one.")
If black people really were up in arms about this, I could almost kinda-sorta see the political logic here -- give up a little justice to buy a little peace. Not a wonderful trade, but Lord knows it's a trade that's been made often enough in human history.
But they... kinda weren't. As far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong; I don't know much) there wasn't a whole lot of peacocking by the usual race-agitators over this.
So why the hell would Holder dump the case? Over the objections of career prosecutors? Over the objections of good-liberal civil-rights advocates, one of whom who calls this "the most blatant form of voter intimidation I've ever seen"?
And why does it continue to give dog-food nonsensical and often flat-out dishonest answers as to its reasons?
Who knows. My suspicion is that Holder and/or Obama are, in fact, either wild-eyed no-enemies-to-the-left radicals and/or all about the race.
One or the other -- it makes no sense otherwise. One does not make a bizarre and borderline illegal move, certain to cause trouble when the conventional move was cost-free, unless one has a very strong emotional stake in it.
Thanks to DanF, who adds the Instapundit snark, "They said if I voted for McCain and Palin, we'd see the true racist colors of the Department of Justice, and they were right!"