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August 19, 2009
Pre-Murder Russian Opposition Journalist: Hijacked Russian Ship Was Carrying "carrying some sort of anti-aircraft or nuclear contraption intended for a nice, peaceful country like Syria, and they were caught with it"
Speculation, yes, but the soon-to-be-the-victim-of-an-accidental-strangulation journalist is right that this is all very odd.
And caught by whom? The hijackers were "citizens of Estonia, Latvia and Russia who on July 24 boarded the ship, forced the crew to change route and turned off its navigation equipment." I don't think the US has the either the agents nor the presidential nerve for this. So... sleeper agents of Israel, maybe?
Of course every time there's a pirating these odd questions seem to surface. But I don't know why pirates would be especially interested in timber. You never hear of bandits breaking into a sugar refinery and stealing sixty metric tons of sugar. Yeah, you can sell it, but... if you had that sort of business organization and equipment and transport and distribution networks already up and running you probably wouldn't need to steal your product.
Thanks to circa.