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Top Headline Comments 08-18-09 »
August 18, 2009
It's Official - Man's Very Existence Causes Global Warming (chad)
Normally I wouldn't make two open blog posts in one night but this was just begging to be shared.
IMAGINE a small group of farmers tending a rice paddy some 5,000 years ago in eastern Asia or sowing seeds in a freshly cleared forest in Europe a couple of thousand years before that. It is here, a small group of scientists would have you believe, that humanity launched climate change. Long before the Industrial Revolution—indeed, long before a worldwide revolution in intensive farming, the results of which kept humanity alive—people caused unnatural exhalations of greenhouse gases that had an impact on the world’s climate.
Truly man is a stain upon the fabric of the universe and we should all just slit our throats now. /snark
crossposted at doubleplusundead
posted by xgenghisx at
01:43 AM
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