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August 12, 2009
Shock: Despite His Assurances, it Turns Out John Edwards Is Reille Hunter's BabyDaddy
What a bastard.
A secret DNA test proves former presidential candidate John Edwards is the father of the baby born from an affair with a campaign aide, the National Enquirer reported Wednesday.
In related news, Mark Sanford is the poster boy for Republican hypocrisy because he had a serious affair as Governor.
Can you believe that? Having an affair while in the high-profile job of Governor?
Thank God John Edwards was merely a private citizen when he was covering up his bastard cheat-baby*, or else I might accuse the media of some hypocrisy on this issue.
Rick Pitino: I Paid My Sleazy Hook-Up for Medical Coverage, Not Specifically an Abortion... I Thought Maybe She Could Use Some Work on Her Deviated Septum or Somethin': Spin so dumb it's not even spin. It's almost honest.
* And like a king, he denied the parentage of the child.