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August 05, 2009
AP Reverses Its Propaganda, Admits ObamaCare Would Fund Abortion
LifeNews crows:
wo days after LifeNews.com exposed an Associated Press article that mislead its readers on the abortion funding contained in the government-run health care plans, AP has backtracked. The news service is now reporting that the bills Congress is considering will result in taxpayer-funded abortions.
AP features a new article today with the headline, "Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion."
Reporter Ricardo Alonsozaldivar writes, "Health care legislation before Congress would allow a new government-sponsored insurance plan to cover abortions, a decision that would affect millions of women and recast federal policy on the divisive issue."
That's a far cry from the weekend story where AP writer Charles Babington wrote a "fact check" that claimed it is "not clear" if abortion funding is included in the legislation.
"Not clear" is a significant category of bias by the press. Whenever the press realizes that a lack of clarity helps Democrats, they claim the facts are too impenetrable and obscure to make any sort of clear determination.
When the facts favor Democrats, they report the facts.
When the facts favor Republicans, they either bury the facts or claim they've lost all ability to play their self-appointed role as The Deciders on the facts.
On the other hand, NBC's experts were willing and able to declare Iraq to be in a "state of civil war." Note that in that case, a clear determination could apparently be made.
Here's that AP article.