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Team America II- Bubba in effect »
August 04, 2009
Obama: Comrades! You Will Report All Counter-Revolutionary Activities To The Authorities At Once
Remember in the wake of 9/11 when the Bush administration urged people who may have seen something suspicious to report it? Well, the left went nuts.
This, from the official White House blog, however is apparently cool.
Opponents of health insurance reform may find the truth a little inconvenient, but as our second president famously said, "facts are stubborn things."
Scary chain emails and videos are starting to percolate on the internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to "uncover" the truth about the President’s health insurance reform positions.
...Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.
(emphasis mine)
Now keep in mind, a lot of what people will term 'lies' are merely policy difference. Either way, Obama and his apparatchiks want to know about it. Personally, I'll be sending in that Linda Douglas video from below since she's lying about what Obama actually said.
Given this President's unseemly propencity for going after individual citizens (Limbaugh* and Crowley come to mind) not to mention the media's willingness to vet the hell out anyone who actual dares to question Obama (hello Joe the Plumber) this is more than a little creepy. It's also excellent fodder for the "imagine if Republicans had done this" file.
Thanks to several commenters for pointing it out. Sorry, I don't remember where I saw it first.
*Yeah, Limbaugh can fight back but I don't recall George Bush going after Olbermann or Mathews by name.

posted by DrewM. at
04:47 PM
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