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July 30, 2009
Obama: It's Not A Beer Summit
And he's still feigning amazement that people care what he says or what he's up to:
Obama says this is not a "beer summit" - "It's a clever term, but this is not a summit, guys."
He said he is "fascinated with the fascination about this evening."
Instead, it's three folks "having a drink at the end of the day," and giving themselves a chance to "listen to each other." The goal is to lower the temperature on an event that has become "so hyped and so symbolic." Try to reduce the "anger and hyperbole," and promote "self-reflection."
If he wanted to lower the temperature on this, he probably shouldn't have said the police acted stupidly about five seconds after saying he didn't know the facts. And if he didn't want it to be called a Beer Summit he probably shouldn't have had Gibbsy get all cutesy with the "Red, Light, and Blue" shtick.
This isn't the first time he's responded to unwanted attention with the excuse: "I didn't think people would be paying such close attention to what I said." It seems to come up a lot when the Great Orator sticks his foot in his mouth, though.
Right now, we're twenty minutes away from the Not-A-Beer-Summit Beer Summit. Somebody better tip the DC police to avoid suspected DUI stops this evening.
And imported from the Top Headlines Sidebar: MSNBC has a countdown clock, of course! Thanks to LaceyUnderalls?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
05:42 PM
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