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July 19, 2009
"Darkness is Cheap, and Scrooge Liked It."
Planning for the Christmas season started this past week in Washington state. If you recall, there was some controversy at the Capitol last year when an atheist group contributed a sign to the holiday displays in the lobby. The sign read: "Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
Things rapidly spun out of control:
A handful of displays had been allowed in a third-floor hallway of the Legislative Building, not far from a 30-foot noble fir sponsored by the Association of Washington Business for the holidays. A real estate agent then added a Nativity creche.
After that, the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation put up an atheist placard equating religion with myth, two Christian displays were added mocking atheism, and a Jewish group displayed a menorah. Fourteen applications had been filed when the department issued a moratorium on further displays.
Among the applications not considered because of the moratorium were a Festivus pole, a sign from Fred Phelps which said "Santa will take you to hell", and a Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Looking to avoid a repeat of the farce--or at least lay some ground rules before battle is joined--the state is announcing a rule-making period. The process can be monitored and comments made starting in mid-August here.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
11:32 AM
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