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July 13, 2009
Obama: Hey I've Got An Idea, Let's Investigate The Killing Of 2,000 Taliban By Afghans In 2001
At a time when the US is calling for the Afghan Army to take a greater role in operations there, Obama thinks this is a dandy time to investigate some reports of war crimes from almost 8 years ago.
Once again the 'no meddling' rule only applies to enemies, not allies.
Obama told CNN in an interview that aired Sunday that he doesn't know what how the U.S.-allied Northern Alliance behaved in November 2001, but he wants a full accounting before deciding how to move forward.
"I think that, you know, there are responsibilities that all nations have even in war," Obama said during an interview at the end of a six-day trip to Russia, Italy and Ghana.
Keep in mind this was before the Afghan government as presently constituted even existed. At that time we were partnering special operations troops with local resistance fighters to take on the Taliban. Remember the Green Berets on horseback?
Follow the link to Blackfive for more from "DEEBOW", who served as an embed trainer with the Afghan Army, for an idea what special forces face when dealing with local Afghan fighters. Their rules and ours simply aren't the same.
How conducting this investigation as the pace of operations and casualties picks up in Afghanistan helps defeats the Taliban and other terrorists is beyond me (because it doesn't, nor is it designed to). Idiocy like this is dangerous and counterproductive navel gazing.
posted by DrewM. at
02:45 PM
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