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July 13, 2009
Liz Cheney: Obama's An Idiot Or...Well, He's Pretty Much Just An Idiot And A Dangerous One At That
Liz Cheney has an Op-ed in today's WSJ. It's juicy red meat that also is a devastating take down of the fool 52% of the people voted for.
She starts with Obama's fanciful tale of the ending of the Cold War during his speech in Moscow and then gets going.
It is irresponsible for an American president to go to Moscow and tell a room full of young Russians less than the truth about how the Cold War ended. One wonders whether this was just an attempt to push "reset" -- or maybe to curry favor. Perhaps, most concerning of all, Mr. Obama believes what he said.
Mr. Obama's method for pushing reset around the world is becoming clearer with each foreign trip. He proclaims moral equivalence between the U.S. and our adversaries, he readily accepts a false historical narrative, and he refuses to stand up against anti-American lies.
...Asked at a NATO meeting in France in April whether he believed in American exceptionalism, the president said, "I believe in American Exceptionalism just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." In other words, not so much.
The Obama administration does seem to believe in another kind of exceptionalism -- Obama exceptionalism. "We have the best brand on Earth: the Obama brand," one Obama handler has said. What they don't seem to realize is that once you're president, your brand is America, and the American people expect you to defend us against lies, not embrace or ignore them. We also expect you to know your history.
Read the whole thing.
BTW- She said today she's open to running for office.
Cheney/Cheney '12
Bringing Back The Evil
Consider me firmly ensconced on the bandwagon.

posted by DrewM. at
01:08 PM
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