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Oops, Part 2 »
July 03, 2009
Bankrupt CA issues scrip payments, cons banks into accepting it
Heh, now if I can convince my bank to take an IOU for say...a paltry $50B or so, I'll be living large.
Would YOU take an IOU from the state of California? I wouldn't.
The whole state is like a bunch of degenerate gamblers looking to borrow another $50 so they can go gamble it away just like every other penny they ever had. Without radical budgetectomy surgery, CA is as fucked as its possible for a state to be. They need to do some serious paring back, but they simply don't have the stomach to do it.
They really should look at partial default. Offer bond holders 70%. What are they going to do? Repo a freeway overpass or road? They'll take it and be glad they got what they did.