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July 02, 2009
What a Coincidence!
Buried in the story about Obama's Health-Care forum is this:
The president called randomly on three audience members. All turned out to be members of groups with close ties to his administration: the Service Employees International Union, Health Care for America Now, and Organizing for America, which is a part of the Democratic National Committee. White House officials said that was a coincidence.
Out of an audience of 200, the president just happens to choose three who are part of organizations working to pass his health care legislation.
Troll extraordinaire palin steele said we should try harder to say nice things about the president. So in that spirit, boy, that Obama's a lucky guy, isn't he?
Hey, remember when a plastic turkey held by a president was worth its own investigative news stories? Those were the days.

posted by Slublog at
10:16 AM
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