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June 24, 2009
No Hot Dogs For Iran
Gibbs say they aren't invited any more.
It doesn't seem that any were planning on coming to begin with, perhaps The One just doesn't like being snubbed. It's hard to tell since things are always so personal with Him, just look at how often he says "I".
Reaganite! [ace] President Obama, aka Johnny Hot-Dogs, actually has finally roused himself to take the bold, dramatic, strong action of a minor diplomatic snubbing.
However, even in this minor bit of "smart diplomacy," Gibbsy makes it sound like it's not a snubbing at all -- it's the Iranians own decision. The decision to rescind, he says, is due to the fact no one RSVP'd.
Even on this, Johnny Hot-Dogs is voting "present." The White House will not say that this is in response to the brutality in Teheran. Quite the opposite. The reason given is the Iranians' own lack of interest in weenie diplomacy.
(Moved from another post to this one.)

posted by DrewM. at
01:58 PM
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