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June 22, 2009
Yup: Iran Still Invited For Hot Dogs and Fireworks on July 4th
Hot Dog Diplomacy. Catch the fever.
he United States said Monday its invitations were still standing for Iranian diplomats to attend July 4 celebrations at US embassies despite the crackdown on opposition supporters.
President Barack Obama's administration said earlier this month it would invite Iran to US embassy barbecues for the national holiday for the first time since the two nations severed relations following the 1979 Islamic revolution.
"There's no thought to rescinding the invitations to Iranian diplomats," State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters.
Well. Won't that make a pretty photo-op.
Oh, wait: Obama, Mr. Transparency, will not permit photos.
We used to goof that Obama would send "strongly worded letters" or employ diplomatic snubbings in dealing with the world's worst monsters.
Turns out we gave him far too much credit. He won't even do that.
Thanks to EricR.