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June 22, 2009
Iran Today...Police Continue To Use Force To Break Up Gatherings
Lots of Twitter reports about the overwhelming police presence on the streets of Tehran today. While the atmosphere is being described as "intimidating" that hasn't stopped people from trying to assemble.
Riot police attacked hundreds of demonstrators with tear gas and fired live bullets in the air to disperse a rally in central Tehran Monday, carrying out a threat by the country's most powerful security force to crush any further opposition protests over the disputed presidential election.
Witnesses said helicopters hovered overhead as about 200 protesters gathered at Haft-e-Tir Square. But hundreds of anti-riot police quickly put an end to the demonstration and prevented any gathering, even small groups, at the scene.
At the subway station at Haft-e-Tir, the witnesses said police did not allow anyone to stand still, asking them to keep on walking and separating people who were walked together. The witnesses asked not to be identified for fear of government reprisals.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration is whining about the fact people are noticing the moral bankruptcy of their position(s) and worse, the piss poor strategic thinking behind it (negotiations uber alles) and has sent out a list of supportive quotes. Even NBC's Chuck Todd notes how hackish it is.
If you are wondering about how frustrated the White House is about the coverage of the criticism some Republicans are leveling against the president, then check this out. The press office sent around the following list of supportive quotes overheard on the Sunday Shows. It was a, well, very campaigny thing to do, reminiscent of the post-debate "what they're saying" emails campaign reporters would regularly get from all of the presidential campaigns.
Memo to the White House...you are in the big boy chairs now. It's not all about "winning the media war", it's about setting national policy.
Andrew Sullivan on the other hand can be counted on to wet himself with excitement over every statement from...sigh...Obama. Naturally he beclowns himself in the process (safe link).
German Chancellor Merkel gets it.

posted by DrewM. at
10:03 AM
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