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Overnight Open Thread – “1984” or Much Ado About Nothing? (genghis) »
June 19, 2009
Obama's Agenda on Life Support
I noted earlier a Democratic Congressman's opinion that health care was on "life support." But add in climate change and shamnesty too.
The White House’s “big bang” theory of proposing a raft of landmark legislation all at once is giving way to fears of a “big chaos” backlash. Congressional chairmen saying that the pipes are overloaded between health care and climate legislation — and that was before this week’s arrival of the biggest overhaul of financial regulations in 70 years.
Democrats are resisting Obama's agenda? Democrats have solid majorities in both houses but don't have the votes for any of these? Democrats are balking at Obama's leviathan spending?
Well, as Jeneane Garofalo sagely observed: "This is all about hatin' on a black man as president."
Well said, Jeneane. Well said.
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