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June 18, 2009
Racism at the Naval Academy
I think one of the most harmful concepts to American society is Diversity. The word is trumpeted by the left as vital in every facet of our lives. If any segment of society does not have the perfect mix of minorities then we have somehow failed and remedial action is required. I disconcur. Institutional racism has been gone for a long while now and if there are areas where minorities are under-performing then it is time for some "face in the mirror" introspection not to parrot "It's just another lie, perpetrated by the man, tryin' to keep a brother down". It would be nice if we could live in the post-racial world our President claims to inhabit, but it's still identity politics as usual. Here is a sad example.
The Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead announced in Annapolis recently that "diversity is the number one priority" at the Naval Academy.
The Naval Academy superintendent, Vice Adm. Jeffrey Fowler, echoed him. Everyone understands that "diversity" here means nonwhite skins.
Fowler insisted recently that we needed to have Annapolis graduates who "looked like" the Fleet, where enlisted people are about 42 percent nonwhite, largely African American and Hispanic.
Good gravy sir, I would have hoped that turning out the best Naval officers possible would have been the number one priority. Pardon me for assuming that you might have an interest in our country's security rather than a bizarre fixation on the hue of a cadet's skin. WTF? Well it's a well-known fact that a wise Latina officer will most likely make a better commander than a fluorescent, white boy from the Midwest. The article discusses the much lower standards required for minorities to gain admission to the Academy. We are actually putting all those minority sailors who they are trying to model their officer corps after at risk by denying them the best possible leadership. What a disgraceful, un-American thing to do.

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
04:00 PM
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