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June 17, 2009
State Department Spokesman Calls Iranian Repression And Murders "Debate"
This is so insulting and clueless only a 'diplomat' could have said it.
The State Department strongly rejected claims that the U.S. was interfering in the disputed June 12 election, pointing out that diplomats from other countries had also been summoned.
"I suspect we are in good company. As the president has said, we are not interfering in the debate that Iranians are having about their election and its aftermath," said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley. "This is not about the United States."
Hey jackass...a government that is in the process of killing its own citizens is not engaging in debate. It's called murderous repression you feckless crapweasel*.
I don't think the US government should take sides in the next Oxford Debating Society event but that's not what's happening here. People are being gunned down and arrested for having the temerity to stand up to their government. If you or you bosses can't see the difference between that and what happens on a daily basis on Capital Hill Mr. Crowlewy, perhaps you need a refresher course in basic government and maybe even human decency.
Debate? Look at the Youtube pages jackass and then tell me about the debate.
Too bad the Iranians didn't try this last year. They wouldn't have gotten much more material support but they surely would have gotten a kind word or two and certainly not had their murders referred to as 'debate'.
*As always, thanks to Jonah Goldberg for coining the term. I was in such a rage when I wrote this I forgot to acknowledge him.

posted by DrewM. at
02:12 PM
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