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June 13, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (genghis)
Item #1: You might remember a link in the overnight thread concerning PeTA’s planned protest at a veterinarian’s convention. The vets had invited the well-known Pike Place Market fish-throwers to be the opening act at the convention. As usual, PeTA went way over the top with the hyperbole and compared tossing dead fish to tossing dead kittens. The vets, looking to avoid controversy and confrontation, said they were reviewing the decision to have the fish-tossers at the convention and it looked like the nut cases at PeTA had won another battle just by threatening to show up and make asses of themselves. (For background on the story, visit here. )
But here’s an update that might actually give you some hope. It looks like the veterinarian group grew a pair and now the fish tossing is back on. Finally, FINALLY someone stood up to this insignificant but noisy band of pests. If only more organizations and companies would do the same against other pathetic grievance groups we’d…well, actually we’d have a lot fewer things to make fun of. I’d take that trade-off though just to see the reaction when those groups get a heapin’ helpin’ of some hearty STFU.
”SEATTLE (AP) - Despite complaints from an animal-rights group, a national veterinary association says Seattle's famed fishmongers will be tossing dead fish at its Seattle convention next month. American Veterinary Medical Association CEO Ron DeHaven said Friday his organization, based in Schaumburg, Ill., will proceed with a plan to host a team-building program offered by the famous fish-throwers of Seattle's Pike Place Fish Market.”
“DeHaven said in a telephone interview that his group supports the responsible use of animals for human purposes, such as food - and feels veterinarians are the best advocates for animals. "We're talking about three fish," he said. "The tossing is simply used to facilitate bigger purposes" such as motivation and team-building, which are valuable for veterinarians. The fish are dead and are consumed after the program. DeHaven said his organization thinks human consumption is an appropriate use of fish.”
Item #2: It’s hard to follow up that awesomeness but I’ll try (and fail). How about finding your own personal “Cheesus.” KTVT in Dallas/Ft. Worth provides a short video about a couple in north Texas who’ve found Jesus, in a Cheeto. I’m skeptical, but I’ll refrain from mocking them (for the moment). Because as soon as I do, the next bag of “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos” I buy is going to have a little Cheeto-sized Lucifer in it. And who really needs that kind of grief.
Item #3: Finally, every once in a while yet another site comes up with a list of The Worst Album Covers of all Time. So here’s another one of those lists you can scroll through. I’ve seen some of these on other “worst cover” lists but a number of them were new to me. And might be to you as well.
Thanks once again to Maetenloch who has now been promoted to senior researcher for the Overnight Open Thread. Congrats Mate! Stop by my office later and pick up your new parking pass. You’ll be pleased to know you’ve been upgraded from parking area 36-J to 33-S. It’s about 100 feet closer to our building so you’ll still probably need to take the shuttle in, but you’re definitely moving up in the ranks. Ummm-kay?
Tonight’s overnight open thread is sponsored by the following exclamation point: !
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.
posted by xgenghisx at
10:01 PM
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