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Top Headline Comments 06-12-09 »
June 12, 2009
Democrat Forbids Healthcare Groups from Having Contact With Republicans
Democrats are warning businesses, health care providers, hospitals and other stakeholders in the healthcare debate not to attend meetings with Republicans. According to aides working for Senator Max Baucus, stakeholders who express public opposition to Democratic plans will be excluded from future negotiations.
Top aides to Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) called a last-minute, pre-emptive strike on Wednesday with a group of prominent Democratic lobbyists, warning them to advise their clients not to attend a meeting with Senate Republicans set for Thursday.
Russell Sullivan, the top staffer on Finance, and Jon Selib, Baucus’ chief of staff, met with a bloc of more than 20 contract lobbyists, including several former Baucus aides.
“They said, ‘Republicans are having this meeting and you need to let all of your clients know if they have someone there, that will be viewed as a hostile act,’” said a Democratic lobbyist who attended the meeting.
“Going to the Republican meeting will say, ‘I’m interested in working with Republicans to stop health care reform,’” the lobbyist added.
Republican leaders have been meeting with health care stakeholders for months, with those sessions occurring “more frequently than once a month,” according to a senior Senate GOP aide.
Apparently, even talking to Republicans cannot be tolerated in Obama's America.
Via GatewayPundit.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:42 AM
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