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June 11, 2009
Overnight open thread- Assorted Miscellaneous Randomness (genghis)
Item #1: Got some free time on your hands? (Actually that’s kind of a stupid question considering what you’re doing right this minute. But indulge me if you will). If you do find yourself with four or so extra hours to spare from your busy lives, why not listen to the Ted Bundy Confession Tapes?
They’re all there at the link in 25 easy-to-digest clips. Perhaps you could record them to CD and listen in the car during your 1 1/2 hour morning commute on the way to the job you despise, working for that miserable S.O.B. that is your so-called “superior.” Why waste time at those worthless motivational seminars and “team-building retreats” when all the answers are right there in one crisp, clean package? I can almost assure you that by the time you arrive at the office, you’ll have an entirely different outlook on life and be ready to take care of business. If for some sick, deranged reason you like your job and/or boss, I’m told these also provide some excellent tips that may make your next hobo-hunt a bit more fruitful and enjoyable.
More fun below the fold...
Item #2: If that seems like a bit too much work, you might as well sit back and enjoy some Old-Testament-style plagues that are happening to others far far away (at least for the moment). ABC News (the Australian one as usual) has a two-fer that might tickle your fancy:
#2A: Snakes again. Why did it have to be snakes (again)? According to this article Snakes Invade Sierra Leone Police Station. Details as follows:
”An estimated 400 snakes, mostly cobras and vipers, have infested the station in the town of Gerihun in Sierra Leone's southern Bo district.”
“Authorities are now looking to bring in soldiers to dispatch the unwelcome guests, he added. Police officers at the station said the presence of the snakes had left many of them too afraid to work from their desks. "We constantly hear hisses and weird sounds from the roof and we are always restless," said one police officer, who asked not to be identified.”
Am I the only one thinking “Yep, this does in fact sound like the plot of Aliens so far?”
#2B: Meanwhile, residents of a coastal town in Japan have an entirely different problem on their hands (and windshields, ground etc.). To wit: Tadpole Downpour Stumps Japanese Meteorologists.
”An office clerk in Nanao first noticed the anomaly when he heard a dull thud in a parking lot last week, news reports said. Looking around, he saw about 100 dead tadpoles splattered on car windscreens and on the ground.”
"People speculate that a waterspout picked them up and dropped them from the air," an official at a local weather observatory said. "But from a meteorological point of view, I have to say it is most unlikely.”
So here we have yet another heretic and unbeliever. The science is settled. It’s cthulhu rising…and boy is he pissed off. This is merely a warning he sends. A message, if you will. Just wait ‘till he starts raining whales all over the place. Then we’ll see who’s laughing.
Tonight’s overnight thread is sponsored by The Hagfish.
Put me some knowledge here: Is this thing coming or going?
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:00 PM
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