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June 10, 2009
Irrelevant Senator Defends Iran's Right to Enrich Uranium
It's odd, the reflexive argument about nuclear energy from Democrats. We sure as hell can't have it here, but goddamnit, we have no business telling oil-rich Iran they can't make them some nuclear power plants or weapons or whatever the hell they want to do.
I can't believe this douchebag came within a cat's whisker of becoming President of the United States.
“The Bush administration [argument of] no enrichment was ridiculous . . . because it seemed so unreasonable to people,” said Mr Kerry, citing Iran’s rights as a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. “It was bombastic diplomacy. It was wasted energy. It sort of hardened the lines, if you will,” he added. “They have a right to peaceful nuclear power and to enrichment in that purpose.”
They're a signatory of the treaty. So of course the enrichment process, which can produce fuel for electricity (or mass death) will only be used for goodness. It's like discovering you have superhuman powers, and taking the oath that your powers shall only be used for good.
Questioning the openly stated motivations (nuclear weapons) of totalitarian regimes is "bombastic diplomacy".
Also sermons on moral equivalence from John Kerry are "illuminating" and farting loudly in elevators is "making new friends".

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:00 PM
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