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We Wuz Robbed! - Overnight Open Thread (genghis) »
June 07, 2009
Good News...Hezbollah Defeated In Lebanon Elections
I like to think the White House is happy about this, I know I am
Heavy turnout in Christian districts returned to power a Western-backed coalition in the Lebanese parliament on Sunday, thwarting a bid by the Islamist Hezbollah party to increase its influence.
Preliminary results showed that the March 14 coalition of Sunni Muslims and Christians won at least 70 seats in the country's 128-member parliament. The group currently holds 70 seats, but vote counting in several closely contested districts continued through the early morning and could add to the total.
In brief victory remarks, coalition leader Saad Hariri said the country's competing factions must "give a hand to each other and have the will to go back to work." Hariri is the son of the former prime minister, Rafiq al-Hariri, a Sunni whose 2005 assassination helped sweep the March 14 group to power.
And a big "Screw You" to Syria as well? Yeah, that calls for Lebanese protest babes!
More protest babes here.
posted by DrewM. at
08:01 PM
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