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May 24, 2009
Zombies are People Too! [krakatoa]
It's come to this.
Courtesy of a tip from concerned citizen Iskander (by way of the G-man), we find that there is literally nothing lower than a Republican to the entertainment elite.
Oh sure, the hook of this news item is that some big-time film distribution companies are interested in an Indie-film made for 70 bucks. (For those that are skimming, that's indie, not Indian. Of course nobody would be surprised that something out of Bollywood was made for 70 bucks. Hell for 30 bucks and a couple bags of masoor they could probably re-make Gone With the Wind.)
But as we all know, the real story is always that which is half-hidden in the filler. I'm sure you all see it there -- The Zombie perspective is now something that has value.
This is outrageous! Zombies are to be feared and hated and either run from, or incapacitated by applying severe head trauma. The last thing we need to teach our children is that there might be a "Zombie point of view".
And rest assured, this new direction by the media elite in regards to the undead menace is mirrored by our new Liberal administration. ZWN reports that in a recent speech to the UN Human Rights Council, SecState Hillary Clinton said that:
China must be held accountable for it's 'shameful' record on necro-mortosis sufferers rights. "While the rest of the world is embracing a new spirit of cooperation, a new dawn of shared intelligence and research, China chooses to suppress it's people and fail to protect them from within."
Now don't get me wrong. China obviously has many problems but you have to admit, they do know how to make the Zombie-killin' trains run on time.
If we stop killing them today, is this sort of scene far behind?
Can you say 'permanent Republican minority?'>
I propose an immediate boycott of Hollywood, to begin right after I see Star Trek. Oh, and Transformers 2, and that new Sherlock Holmes flick. And of course, there will be an exception for a third Brady Bunch movie.
You guys should start your boycott right away though. I know it sounds hypocritical, but it is important that the leaders of movements not be bound by petty little things like principles. You need me fresh and undistracted by the stresses of the real world.
posted by xgenghisx at
08:28 PM
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