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May 21, 2009
House Democrats Reject Probe Into Pelosi's Accusation That The CIA Lied To Her
They seem strangely incurious about such a damning accusation. It's almost as if Democrats are covering for someone who is lying to save her own stretched and botoxed skin.
The House voted 252-172 to block the measure that would have created a bipartisan congressional panel. Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, sponsored the resolution.
"This is partisan politics and an attempt by the Republicans to distract from the real issue of creating jobs and making progress on health care, energy and education," said Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami.
..."To have this charge out there and not have it resolved I think is damaging to our intelligence efforts, and certainly will have a chilling effect on our intelligence professionals around the world," said House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio.
Silly Republicans, thinking national security is more important than the Democrat's agenda.

posted by DrewM. at
01:08 PM
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