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May 21, 2009
Obama Increasingly Distracted by Biden's Antics
According to the President (according to an upcoming book): "It's not funny."
President Obama is so "distracted by his vice president's indiscipline" that he has been forced to rebuke privately Vice President Joe Biden, according to a new book by Newsweek journalist Richard Wolffe, who interviewed Obama a dozen times.
"He can't keep his mouth shut," Wolffe quotes a "senior Obama aide" as saying of the gaffe-prone Biden in "Renegade: The Making of a President," set for release June 2.
No one, however, says that this is unexpected. I'm sure the rest of you (like me) were picking your jaws up off the floor when we found out that Joe Biden was picked to be the President's running mate. As just about everyone has quipped: "Thank God we didn't get stuck with that idiot Palin."

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:07 PM
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