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May 19, 2009
Judge Issues Arrest Warrant in Chemotherapy Resistor Case
This is an update to a story I wrote about on Saturday. You can click there for background, but the short version is that a judge ordered the boy to go forward with chemo as instructed by his doctors, but left him in his parents' custody.
No longer.
Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg also is ordering that Daniel Hauser be placed in protective custody so he can get proper medical treatment for Hodgkins lymphoma.
Daniel and his parents, Colleen and Anthony Hauser, were due in court Tuesday to tell the judge results of a chest X-ray. But only Anthony Hauser appeared in court.
He told Rodenberg that he last saw Colleen Hauser on Monday evening, and she told him she was leaving. He said that was all he knew.
The arrest warrant is for Daniel's mother, who is expected to have the boy. This case raises difficult questions about parental rights, religious rights, and whether alternative medicine meets laws requiring parents to provide medical care for their children.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:10 PM
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