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May 19, 2009
Steele: If You Just Want a Figurehead Chaiman I'll Quit
Updated: Washington Times Gets Into the Action
This whole mess should be entitled: "How Not to Win Elections." Now, faced with GOP insiders attempting to limit Steele's authority, the GOP chairman has announced that he will step aside if they manage to shift funding authorization to the party comptroller-general.
Steele aides insist the chairman was not threatening to quit, but merely to fight over retaining his authority. But his comments reflect the persistent tension within the Republican National Committee over his chairmanship.
On Wednesday, RNC state chairmen will vote on the funding issue, among others -- such as whether to label the Democratic Party "Socialist."
A couple things here.
First, the committee members seeking to kneecap our most visible representative are absolutely and entirely wrong. Either he's our leader or he's not. But "adjusting" the rules to try and force out a properly elected chairman you don't like is sour-grapes bullshit. I suppose the plan is to "adjust" the rules back when you get a party chairman you do like.
Second, Steele, you had your chance. Obviously this isn't working out. No, it's not you...it's me. Of course we'll call. Of course we can still be friends. Goodbye.
Third, this thing is a demonstration of why fresh blood (e.g. Governor Palin) is an excellent thing for the party. All these insiders are looking to protect their own power and interests. I think they have very little to do with advancing my interests or the interests of the average Republican.
Related: And I do mean related as in I'm questioning the timing. The Washington Times ran an article today calling into question the salary of Steele's longtime personal assistant. This story apparently started with an unnamed "high-ranking RNC official" though it was confirmed in FEC filings.
I renew my tongue-in-cheek suggestion of a few weeks ago (and in a different context) but I'm not sure it wouldn't be a bad idea to lock them all in the building and set the place on fire. I'm not entirely convinced our chances wouldn't improve for 2010.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:01 PM
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