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Pelosi Excuses Thread »
May 14, 2009
Nancy Pelosi Is Having A Bad Day
She just gave a press conference to explain her version of 'what she knew and when' about "torture".
It didn't go well.
Under a barrage of questioning, Pelosi also again adamantly insisted that she was not aware that waterboarding or other enhanced interrogation techniques were being used on terrorism suspects and
"I am telling you they told me they approved these and said they wanted to use them but said they were not using waterboarding," she said.
Growing increasingly frustrated throughout the briefing, Pelosi slowly started backing away from the podium as she tried to end the questioning. As she backed out, she continued to accuse the CIA of not telling Congress that dissenting opinions had been filed within the administration suggesting the methods were not lawful.
She called the CIA liars and one of the reporters basically called her a liar. Another reporter asked about health care and the other reporters audibly groaned.
If you are a Democrat and the press is after you and you are fighting a war with the CIA, you are in trouble.
MSNBC didn't buy it and CNN anchor used the word "fabrications" to describe her statements.
I believe Steny Hoyer is measuring the drapes in the Speaker's office.
It could just be me but I'm guessing the CIA isn't going to take this lying down.
Popcorn anyone?
Update [Slublog] - Thanks to "Blue Balls the Pirate" for providing a link to the full video. The best stuff is at the end, especially the aide trying desperately to get his boss out of the room.

posted by DrewM. at
10:34 AM
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